New Teachers and Staff In-service Training: The Manresan Journey Begins
JUL 26

The new teachers and staff were provided with an in-service training from June 17-28, 2024, with the theme, 'Hijas de Jesus Educative Family: Growing in Faith, Journeying towards Hope, and Living in Love.' The onboarding activity was spearheaded and facilitated by the school administration and the personnel in charge, with the participation of the pastoral team, guidance personnel, and office heads. The participants embarked on the program with excitement, enthusiasm, and total commitment.
The first day started with an opening prayer led by Ms. Marjorie Grefal, the personnel in charge, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas, and the Manresa School Hymn. Sr. Joji Silorio, FI, the school’s RCA, then gave a warm welcome. Sr. Gemma presented a PowerPoint introducing the members of the administration, subject area coordinators, office heads, and F.I. Sisters. Sr. Edhen presented the life of Mo. Candida Maria de Jesus, while Mr. Eleazar Solas explained the school’s Vision, Mission, and Institutional Objectives (VMIO). Health breaks, icebreakers, and integration activities were provided daily by the guidance personnel, pastoral team, and other presenters to energize and engage the participants.
On the following day, the participants were given with the following topics: Manresa School History and Culture by Mr. Archee Curiba, Compensation and Benefits by Sr. Cecile J. Solis, Community Extension Service by Mr. Ariel Cañete, Discipline by Mr. William Abadilla, PAASCU Orientation and Quality Assurance Program by Mr. Eleazar Solas, Faculty Handbook, Standard Operating Procedure, and Initial Ranking by Ms. Marjorie Grefal, and Registrar's Services by Ms. Marites B. Llorando.
In the morning of the fifth day, the group listened attentively to a profound talk by Sr. Jeck about Our Characteristic Way of Educating (OCWE). In the afternoon, Ms. Edarlyn Lumbao and Ms. Ma. Luisa Mandario oriented the group about the Guidance and LRC services, respectively.
Sr. Gemma Doguiles started the second week with a talk about the Apostolic Calls and Global Compact on Education (GCE). The entire afternoon was dedicated to Technology Training facilitated by Mr. Fredie Rick P. Llorando with a hands-on activity in the JHS Computer Laboratory.
On the following day, Mr. Curiba presented the Pastoral Program, followed by the Induction Program given by Ms. Marjorie Grefal and Sr. Gemma Doguiles. After lunch, Ms. Grefal presented the Career Pathing and conducted the survey about the topic as well as the Needs Assessment for new teachers and staff. The last session of the day covered the Mentoring Program given by Sr. Gemma and Sr. Edhen.
The remaining days of the week were allotted for area and office orientations. The teachers and staff were sent to their respective subject areas and assigned offices for orientations and initial integration. The training concluded on June 28 with a one-day recollection facilitated by Sr. Gemma and Sr. Edhen
Impressions of some teachers and staff about the in-service training.
“The training was an amazing experience that provided us with essential guidelines, valuable school information, and insights about teaching strategies and classroom management techniques,” said Mr. Matthew Avengoza, a grade school teacher.
“Now, I can determine if my teaching methods, philosophies, and personal values align with the school’s mission, vision, and values. By doing this, I can effectively collaborate with my colleagues, administrators, and other staff in fulfilling the mission and vision of the school,” said Ms. Everlinda Olid, a JHS teacher.
“The topics and activities were very helpful for a new teacher like me to be equipped and prepared for the role. The program successfully introduced us to Manresa School's unique and Christ-centered culture and provided avenues to explore our own role in relation to its vision and mission,” said Mr. Jolex Acid, a SHS teacher.
Apart from the established camaraderie among themselves, the in-service training helped the new teachers and staff gain a deeper sense of belonging and acquire valuable knowledge, skills, and values essential for their official incorporation and integration into the Manresan family. Let the journey of the new teachers and staff begin.
By: Ms. Larrene Joy M. Bilangel