Manresan Staff and Maintenance Personnel Launched Outreach Scholarship Program
AUG 22

The schools maxim, Tatak Manresa: Kapatid sa Kapwa and the saying of Mo. Candida, “Where there is no room for the poor, neither is there room for me”, inspired the office staff to conceive a Scholarship Program to the less fortunate but deserving student from a public school in Paranaque City.
This project is part of Manresa School Faculty and Staff Organization (MSFSO) Outreach Program with an initial seed money of five thousand pesos from the organization’s fund for the outreach activity of the staff. Everyone has been on the board since the inception of this program last year where the group committed to add to the seed money, a monthly contribution from their own pocket as their personal share to finance the four year public secondary education of a deserving grade seven student. Committees were created and a series of meetings were held to plan, prepare documents and screen the applicants. With the participation of the Maintenance Personnel in the program this year, the staff did not only have one but two scholars.
Dubbed as S.T.A.F.F. or Sharing our Thoughtfulness and Affection For your Future, the staff and maintenance personnel launched the STAFF Outreach Program last August 22, 2024 in the Conference Room. The momentous program started with the greetings and introduction of beneficiaries and their parents, opening prayer, inspirational messages of Ms. Tess Llorando and Sr. Joji Silorio, signing of the MOA, awarding of certificate, giving of initial allowance and school supplies, responses from the beneficiaries and their parents.
Sr. Jeck encouraged the beneficiaries to study well and emphasized that the financial help came from the hard work and love of the staff and maintenance personnel.
Signing of the MOA by the beneficiaries and school representatives
Giving of certificate, initial allowance and some school supplies to the beneficiaries
With teary eyes, shaking hands and legs, the two beneficiaries, Mark Louie Caparino and Ralph Jian Manuel, did not only express their profound joy and utmost gratitude for the big help and support that they received, but also made a promise to study well, do their best to finish their studies and to become a blessing to their family and others someday.
The program ended with a prayer and a simple salu-salo in the canteen.
May God bless our commitment in ensuring that our brethren, our kapatid sa kapwa who need help will have a good future as we sustain their need for education. Blessed be God for this fraternal action. Blessed be God!
By Ms. Loi Mandario