Grade 11 Manresans Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
FEB 11

February 11, 2023 marks a memorable event in the Christian life of 80 confirmands including a teacher of the Senior High School department of Manresa School who receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The Eucharistic celebration was held in the Resurrection of our Lord Parish in BF Homes, Paranaque City on a sunny and beautiful Saturday morning. It was officiated by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Lambert Legaspino who was granted the faculty to administer the sacrament by His Most Rev. Bishop Jesse Mercado, D.D.
In his homily, Fr. Lambert reiterated the meaning, importance, and effects of Confirmation and asked the students to understand them with greater faith and commitment to God as true Christians and good Manresans. He concluded his homily with the word F.I.R.E.: Follow Christ, Involvement, Responsible, Energy to reiterate the confirmands’ greater roles and responsibilities as soldiers and witnesses of Christ.
Overall, the students were well-prepared and receptive, the congregation behaved and the mass was solemn. The celebration was made more meaningful as it also falls on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes and as part of the parish’s 50th founding anniversary and history as it celebrates the year of indulgence. The Manresa School educative community hopes and prays that the Holy Spirit may continue to guide and empower the newly confirmed students to remain faithful to God, do good in every aspect of their lives, and bear witness to Christ in every situation.
Written by:
Ms. Ma. Luisa P. Mandario
Grade 11 CLE Teacher