Manresan Educators and F.I. Sisters Participate in the 2024 International Conference on Youth Ministry
APR 06

The International Conference on Youth Ministry Year 2 which was held last April 4-6, 2024 in Loyola House of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City was attended by more than seven hundred delegates from more than 30 countries around the world. The conference has the theme, Youth Ministry: Towards a Fullness of Life for All ushered the participants to look into the principles, vision, and best practices of youth ministry in the context of the 2019 Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Christus Vivit.
A plenary keynote address by Fr. Jerome Vallabaraj SDB, professor of youth ministry from India entitled Bridging the Generation Gap to “Behold” the Young and the Interesting and Engaging Talk of Ms. Karen Joy Caramoan on Effective Engagement with Millenials and Gen Z stimulated energy and responses from the audience during the first day’s morning session. Fr. Jerome Vallabaraj SDB was back on the podium on the second day to deliver his talk about Empowering the Young Towards the Fullness of Life for All. Two-panel discussions with the youth and youth ministers were delivered by local and foreign plenary speakers following the keynote addresses during the morning sessions.
The two afternoons were dedicated to the 11 breakout sessions for chosen training workshops of the participants in various ministries such as Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Technology, and Evangelization, Mentoring the Youth in Ecology and Social Justice, Financial Literacy and Stewardship, Creative Approaches to Bible Study, Music in Youth Ministry, Catechesis in the New Evangelization, Recollection, and Retreat Facilitating Skills, Fundamentals of Discernment and Spiritual Direction, Essentials of Effective Leadership.
Keynote Speakers and Panelists:
The two afternoons were dedicated to the 11 breakout sessions for chosen training workshops of the participants in various ministries such as Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Technology, and Evangelization, Mentoring the Youth in Ecology and Social Justice, Financial Literacy and Stewardship, Creative Approaches to Bible Study, Music in Youth Ministry, Catechesis in the New Evangelization, Recollection, and Retreat Facilitating Skills, Fundamentals of Discernment and Spiritual Direction, Essentials of Effective Leadership.
The full morning of the third day steered the participants with enriching insights and thought-provoking realities and questions during the talk and workshop on Youth Ministry Planning and Strategy Towards a Fullness of Life for All facilitated by Fr. Johnny C. Go, SJ. The outputs shared by the participants serve as models for formulating relevant and effective youth ministry programs in schools, universities, and parishes. The conference showcased performances of St. Mary’s Academy Pasay Dance Troupe, Marikina Dance Guild, and Ateneo de Manila Boys Choir. Daily Masses were also concelebrated by attending priests.
Reflections and Impressions of the participants:
The workshops inspire me with new insights and perspectives that I could integrate into both my personal life and when working with young people. -Ms. Cristal Jane Gahol
The ICYM is a wake-up call for me that "PRESENCE" is the most important factor to accompany and be with young people. -Ms. Krisna Gregorios
The conference challenged me to journey with the young people in the context of Pope Francis’ Christus Vivit. It also renewed my hope in them, my faith in God, and my commitment as a Manresan educator. – Ms. Loi Mandario
The 3-day seminar equipped me to build a more discerning heart and mind that helps me understand and empower the youth joyfully leading them towards the fullness of life anchored in God. -Mrs. Leah Pagdato