PAASCU's Resurvey Visit to the Elementary Department
MAR 11

March 12-13, 2024 were momentous days for the MS Elementary Department as it underwent a resurvey visit from PAASCU Accreditors. Before these days, the whole school had been in an intensive preparation mode, particularly the elementary department. Led by Sr. Edhen Mae Paranga, F.I., Principal, together with her assistant, the coordinators, the faculty, and staff, the different areas and their heads had been meeting since last year for this event. Sr. Joji SIlorio, RCA, Sir Cesar Solas, Q.A., as well as Miss Aida Gomez who was always with her helping hand, Miss Daphne Goitia, Ms. Bernadette Casin, and all others too many to mention whose time and effort have been fully given to making the school and all the necessary materials and documents, and the whole physical areas ready for the Accreditors. To everyone who contributed to this endeavor, A Heartfelt Thanks to all of you! We could only express approximately in this closing prayer what everyone feels at this time.
God our loving Father,
As we conclude this momentous visit of our PAASCU accreditors, we bow our heads in gratitude for the opportunities and blessings you have bestowed upon all of us, for the guidance and wisdom leading us through this 2-days journey.
We ask for your continued presence and guidance as we await the outcome of this evaluation. Grant us the patience to trust in your plan and the strength to accept whatever results may come our way. May we always remember that our mission is for the relentless quest for knowledge, integrity, love, and service to others.
We also ask for your blessings on each of those who have worked tirelessly to prepare for this visitation, from the faculty and staff to the students and administrators, maintenance men and women, our parents, and all other partners in our mission. You know, Lord, how much we appreciate their dedication and commitment.
Bless each of the Resurvey Team, their chairperson Mr. Rafael Patrick Pecjo, and the rest of the team, Dra. Ma. Cristeta Aduca, Ms. Flora Ann Alfonso, Mr. Angeles Alcovendas, Jr., Ms. Ma. Concepcion Franco, Ms. Ma. Concepcion Domeyeg, Ms. Virgie Esteves, and Ms. Shaine Montiveros, and all the PAASCU personnel, their families and loved ones. Keep them ever in good health, and safe especially those who will travel back to their homes.
As we move forward from this day, may we instill in our hearts the lessons learned and the inspiration we gained. Guide us in our endeavors to continually improve and grow, so that we may better serve our community, our church, and society, and fulfill our mission to nurture the minds, hearts, and spirits of those young people entrusted to our care.
All these we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In Jesus, we have everything, without everything we have is lost.
Some images of the first day: