Circular No. 1: Learning Modality
JUL 30

July 29, 2022
Dearest Parents and Guardians:
May the Blessed Virgin Mary shelter you beneath her maternal mantle!
As we look forward to the new school year, Manresa School is greatly thankful for your continued support in all the school’s educational endeavors. Indeed, your decision to entrust your children to Manresa School this year motivates us to work harder for the conduct of classes in the new normal.
Last May 12, 2022, the school announced the implementation of the MS Contextualized Online+ Learning
(MS CoOL) and Online Distance Learning (ODL) modalities in consideration of the capacity, needs, limitations, and preferences of the parents and learners. However, the Department of Education (DepEd), through Order Number 34, Series of 2022, has mandated both public and private schools to return to full Face-to-Face classes by November 2, 2022. In compliance with this DepEd order, Manresa School shall be implementing the following initial adjustments to the earlier announced modalities:
- Pure ODL modality for Kinder to Grade 11 until the end of October 2022.
- MS CoOL modality for Grade 12 until the end of October 2022.
- The MS CoOL and ODL modalities will cease to continue by the end of October 2022.
- Full Face-to-Face class encounters by November 7, 2022, shall be implemented.
- Nursery 1 and 2 pupils will continue with the learning modality reflected in the learning continuity plan of the school.
In view of the likelihood of returning to the face-to-face modality, in 2021, the school has already started taking initial steps and adopted safety measures for the prevention and spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19 to ensure a safe environment for your children and everyone in the school. This includes refurbishment of facilities, establishment of guidelines and protocols, and immunization of the members of the educative community.
We would like you to start preparing your children for the face-to-face classes by giving them a positive outlook on going to school and engaging them in observing minimum public health standards.
Now, the school administration is in the process of conducting consultation meetings to discuss the best course of action given this recent directive from DepEd. Rest assured that the school will continue to keep you informed on the updated details of the school’s continuity plan.
Thank you very much for your continued trust, support, and understanding as we navigate together this ever-changing educational landscape of the new normal.
In Christ,
(SGD) Sr. Edhen Mae R. Paranga, FI
GS Principal
(SGD) Sr. Gemma K. Doguiles, FI
JHS/SHS Principal