Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Candida Maria de Jesus: A Morning of Spiritual Joy and Fellowship
AUG 11
On the auspicious day of August 9th, a sense of joy and anticipation filled the air as the community gathered, to celebrate the feast day of St. Candida Maria de Jesus at the El Rosarillo Chapel. The Eucharistic celebration began at 10 AM. The altar was adorned with beautiful flowers, a fitting tribute to the saint whose life and teachings had touched countless hearts. The Mass was presided over by Reverend Fr. Joseph Landero, whose homily captivated hearts, giving inspiring stories, and the relevance of Mother Candida’s example of humility and simplicity in today’s complicated and consumeristic world. The choir's voices soared, filling the chapel with melodious songs, and gave the atmosphere a real experience of celebrating a life well-lived that is worth imitating.
The Processional
Roxanne Orial sings the responsorial Psalm
the Offerings and Offerors
Offering of flowers to Mama Mary and Mother Candida
Photo ops with Fr. Jolan, the Choir...
Following the Eucharistic celebration, the gathering transitioned to a short but joyful program at the school canteen, that reflected the essence of Mother Candida's life. The program featured captivating games that not only provided entertainment but also imparted knowledge. Additionally, it showcased the hymn of Mother Foundress, shedding light on her remarkable journey and teachings from birth to becoming a missionary. Laughter and camaraderie echoed through the halls as participants shared in the joy of learning about her life thru Clara Estrella.
At the Canteen
The Games
More Games...
No celebration is complete without the bond-forging act of breaking bread together. A satisfying and hearty lunch brought everyone together around a table, symbolizing the unity that the saint herself had advocated.
Sr. Lee introduces to the assembly Mary Grace Dael of Batch 1996, composer of the Manresa School Hymn.
Towards the end... Sr. Jeck gives her message and word of Thanks.
The celebration reached its conclusion with the rendition of "Clara Estrella." The resonant voices of all present united in harmony, creating a finale that signifies a tribute, a prayer, and a heartwarming reminder that St. Candida's light continues to shine brightly in the lives of those who cherish her teachings.
After the celebration, the hearts of the faculty, staff, and the MSPA, BCMF, and MSAA members and officers were filled with a profound sense of gratitude. It was a reminder that each time we celebrate her feast day, her legacy lives on, not only in history but also in the hearts of those who strive to emulate her virtues. Again, as Mother Candida would always say, Blessed be God!