Annual Retreat For Faculty members 2-4 Years at Manresa School
JUL 28
On July 21-22, 2023, the last group of retreatants was the Faculty members who have been 2-4 years in Manresa School. Under the guidance of Sr. Felisa Molina, F.I., they had a Psycho-Spiritual Integration session/retreat. They had followed a consistent pattern: after the input, they were given time for reflection and prayer, followed by sharing in small groups which were facilitated by the sister companions, Sr. Mary Juelar, Sr. Lee Uera, and Sr. Joji Silorio. In the evening, they watched a movie entitled, Invictus which was a beautiful story of the triumph of the human spirit and forgiveness. The next day, the sessions continued and after the last session, they were asked to draw the fruits of their reflection that symbolized where they are at this point in their life and their trajectory. The retreat culminated in a joyful celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arden Dacuna, O.P.