Manresa School Conducts On-going Strategic Planning
APR 28

The Provincial Government of the Hijas de Jesus Congregation, Indico-Pacific Province initiated the unification of the vision statement of all its basic education schools in the Philippine Region in the beginning of SY 2022-2023. This prompted Manresa School to review its vision-mission and start a new process of strategic planning to align the school’s programs with the apostolic trajectory of the Congregation.
The first step in this year-long strategic planning process was the revisiting of the school’s vision-mission statement on July 26-27, 2022. The existing vision statement of the school was revised to highlight the Hijas de Jesus schools’ Catholic identity and ideals as an Hijas de Jesus institution. It became the unified vision statement of all F.I. schools in the Philippines.
In August 2022, an ad hoc committee was formed to craft the mission statement based on the unified vision statement. The mission statement remains specific for Manresa School and it explicitly identifies the school’s purpose and unique contribution to society.
In October 2022, representatives of the different sectors (students, parents, admin, faculty and staff) met to formulate the institutional objectives to concretize the new vision-mission statement. These objectives focus on five key areas of concerns, namely (a) Curriculum and instruction; (b) Character formation; (c) Community involvement; (d) Social and environmental responsibility; and (e) Well-being, viability and sustainability of the school.
Last April 25, 2023, the top and mid-level administrators met with Dr. Marichen Dychango, the consultant of the school, to continue the strategic planning. In this process, the key result areas (tangible outcomes) are aligned to the school’s vision-mission and objectives, which are cascaded in the various programs, activities, and plans of action of the different offices. Though the process is still on-going, the administrators hope to finish and implement the plan in 2023-2024.