MSPA Project Turnover Ceremony
NOV 21

A lounge is known to be a place for relaxing, a comfortable area for sitting, resting, sharing, or for a short leisure time. Last October during the health break of the school, the Teachers’ lounge underwent renovation. The Manresa School Parents Auxiliary (MSPA) of SY 2023-2024 considered the renovation and enhancement of the Teachers’ Lounge at the Canteen as part of the year’s projects.
On a pleasant sunny morning of October 14, 2024, the Manresa parents, FI sisters, administration, and representatives from the faculty and staff gathered at the Teachers’ Lounge for the project turnover ceremony. It officially began with the opening prayer led by Mrs. Aubrey Tirona. The MSPA President, Ms. Ninaliza Remoto shared in her opening message that this thoughtful project of renovating and enhancing the Teachers’ Lounge exhibited the parents’ gratitude and appreciation for the active collaboration and unwavering support of the faculty and staff in all the MSPA endeavors. Likewise, they admired and thanked Manresa educators for their patience, support, love, and concern for all the children.
Mrs. Aubrey Tirona led the opening prayer to officially start the project turnover ceremony.
The sister-principals, Sr. Edhen Paranga, F.I. and Sr. Gemma Doguiles, F.I. did the honor of the ribbon cutting, as Ms. Ninaliza Remoto, MSPA 2023-2024 President with the Vice-President, Mrs. Reese Del Rosario joined and assisted them.
Mrs. Reese Del Rosario, Sr. Edhen Paranga,FI, Ms. Ninaliza Remoto, and Sr. Gemma Doguiles, FI.
A quick room overview of the newly renovated and improved teachers' lounge followed as Ms. Reese showed the group the improvements. She acknowledged and thanked the designer, Mrs. Gail Miller, and her husband Mr. Charles Miller for the creative design and beautiful enhancement, and for making it a truly functional and comfortable place for the teachers and staff.
The project turnover ceremony concluded with an agape, the joyful sharing of simple sumptuous food offered by the parents. It became a fruitful relaxing time for meaningful sharing and bonding of the administration, faculty, and staff with the MSPA officers and board members of batch 2023-2024 and the present, 2024-2025.
The MSPA 2023-2024, President and Vice President, Ms. Ninaliza Remoto and Ms. Reese Del Rosario
with the FI sisters, Ms. Bonna, and the project designer, Mrs. Gail Miller and her husband Charles.
After a short interaction, Ms. Bonna Villagracia read the acceptance message of Sr. Joji Silorio, F.I., RCA, and MSPA Adviser. It led the group to say together the closing prayer of Pope Francis, The 2025 Jubilee Prayer of Hope.
The beautiful message of Sr. Jeck recapitulated this event and highlighted the community’s faith and gratitude. From her message it said, “May this improved place of rest be a physical reminder of God’s goodness and graciousness. May our faith and gratitude summon us to live our daily life with Hope.”
The members of Manresa School Faculty and Staff Organization (MSFSO) expressed their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the MSPA Officers and Board SY 2023-2024 for the improvement of the Teachers Lounge making it more beautiful, relaxing, comfortable and conducive for everyone. From the bottom of our hearts, we say, thank you very much our dear MSPA officers!
By Ms. Bonna Bayais-Villagracia